Thursday, October 4, 2007

Writer's Block

I have been wondering why I haven't been writing in my blog. It's been a month. Well, then I remembered Thumper's mother who always told Thumper, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.' My mother told me that, too.

I have been keeping my own counsel about how I feel about Italy and Verona and Italians in general for several reasons: I don't like to be accurately accused of making sweeping generalizations; I realize that my current feelings are just feelings and, as such, are bound to change...I hope... to more positive feelings; and, last but never least, I don't want to write something I may have to retract. Just as I still don't really know what I want to be when I grow up, though a glimmer is starting to come through, I am not sure how I really feel about this long experiment in international living.

So, I'll take a stab at this another time. I just wanted to go record as saying to myself in my blog that I have not gone away, that I am still thinking, thinking, thinking. Too much thinking is analysis paralysis. I'll leave it at that.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about not keeping up with your blog. I've been off mine for months except for the occassional jab at it. I just went through your whole blog and have to tell you that it's wonderful. And the photographs. Che belle!!! I guess I really got pretty discouraged when I saw that the blog I had transfered over from SlowTrav to Expats when I arrived here got transfered without all my photos which were nowhere near as good as yours but they were dear to me and will be hard to go back and find again.

So, go, homegirl (I was born and raised, in and around respectively, San Francisco. Have to agree with Joan Didion that Northern California really isn't there anymore, not the one I grew up in anyway.

Joanna of Expats in Italy

Jessica said...

Hey! It's your blog, write whatever you want in it. Changing your life is frustrating, I frequently write things in my blog that piss people off. Who cares, they don't have to read it after all. Anyways, life in Italy isn't all about la dolce vita, parts of it stink. Why not let this be a place where you can vent without having to worry? love your blog, just wanted to let you know what I thought :)

The Word Warrior said...

Thanks, Joanna, for the moral support. My daughter is needling me a little, too...that I seem to have forgotten why I started this blog. Ever try to find your way from San Mateo to Half Moon Bay, little sleepty HMB? Ha.