Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Even the plants are leaving...

...and today was the first day of their exodus.

One of the great features of this apartment is the terrazza on the second floor. In sun for much of the Spring and Summer and early Fall, with flowering jasmine abounding and burning bush and cascading ivy, and my many potted plants (in beautiful pots brought from New Jersey...I thought I was staying for at least five years), with its own automated watering system, the terrace should have been a little piece of paradise.

Our awful neighbors took that away. Their tiny terrace adjoins our 12 x 12 terrace, and that did not turn out to be a good thing.

So, today, after asking my friends Alexandre and Agnes if they would just give a new home to my beautiful plants, the first ones left. Repotted by Angel in clay pots provided by Alexandre, out they went, down the stairs, into the van and off to their new home.

This is the first indication of how I will NOT be handling well this whole leavetaking. I know, I know, don't cry over things that can't cry over you. Well, those things are symbolic, capisce? The terrace now looks discombobulated, and just not its old self. Kind of like me.

All my conscious effort goes into saying how glad I am to be going home, that I can't wait to get on that plane May 31, good riddance to a silly little country that just doesn't work on any level. But I don't really mean that. This is the denouement of a dream that I had since childhood, to live in Europe. The first tangible evidence of the end of the dream just went out the door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm... Dear, Italy and the rest of the mediterranean is as little Europe to us Europeans as Mexico is USA to the Americans.
I don't know why Americans always chose these backward nations as their idea of Europe! Anyone in Europe would know if they decide to live in Spain, Greece or Italy - they may as well live in Africa as far as ease of living goes!